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Industrial Engineering 20 questions For Fresher. - IE And Textiles

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Industrial Engineering 20 questions For Fresher.

 1. Efficiency = output*SAM/W.H*M.P Or Produce min /Available min If you need % , then multiply 


2. SMV = Standared miniute value , SAM = Standared allowed miniute 

3. Capacity = MP*WH/SAM

4. Target = MP*WH*EFFI/SAM

5. SAM = Avg.cycle time* Ope. Rating+ Allowance

6. Basic time = Cycle time * Ope.Rating

7. Pitch time = Avg. SAM/MP

8. Upper control limit (UCL) = Pitch time/Target balancing effi. Or Organization effi.

9. Lower control limit (LCL) = 2*Pitch time-UCL 

10. Performance = Produce min/Available min-Loss min Or = EFFI-Loss time

11. Loss time = (Process capacity-bottle neck output)*Process SAM

12. Org EFFI. % = Standard Pitch time*100/Bottle neck process time 

13. Line balance = Standart pitch time*100 / Bottle neck process time 

14. TAKT time = Rate of customer demand = Effective working time - work break/customer demand

15. TML = Theoritical meaning label = SMV/ Basic pitch time 

16. AML = Actual meaning label 

17. F.W.Taylor - IE Inventor

18.productivity gap = WPP-Current pcs*100/Current pcs 

19. Operator = Target* smv./time*effi. (based on productivity (+ or -)

20. productivity gap = WPP-Current pcs*100/Current pcs.