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What is Six Sigma? - IE And Textiles

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What is Six Sigma?

  What is Six Sigma?
Six Sigma is a data driven, customer focused, and result oriented 
methodology which uses statistical tools and techniques to 
systematically eliminate the defects and inefficiencies to improve 
 Six Sigma methodology has the following characteristics:
• Customer centric
• Process focused
• Data driven/ factual
• Breakthrough performance gains
• Structured improvement deployment
• Validation through key business results

Goals of Six Sigma

# Reduction in variation
#Elimination of defects
# Improvement in yield
#Enhancement in customer satisfaction
 #Strengthening of the bottom line
 Example: GE’s Medical System division (GEMS) used Six Sigma design 
techniques to create a breakthrough in medical scanning technology. Patients 
can now get a full body scan in half a minute, versus three minutes or more with 
previous technology. Hospitals can increase their usage of the equipment and 
achieve a lower cost per scan, as well.

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