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What is bottleneck & line balancing? - IE And Textiles

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What is bottleneck & line balancing?

What is bottleneck and line balancing


.   Write is bottleneck & line balancing?

Answer: Bottleneck is a phenomenon by which the performance or capacity of an entire system is severely limited by a single component. In production and project management, a bottleneck is one process in a chain of processes, such that its limited capacity reduces the capacity of the whole chain. Bottleneck, which are holding up production operations, or lengthy operations, that consumes a great deal of time. Bottleneck may be any process, any machine or any operator.

Line balancing is a manufacturing engineering function in which whole collection of production line tasks are divided into equal portions. Well balanced lines avoid labor idleness and improve productivity. Sometimes imbalanced line causes bottleneck.

Line layout→Capacity study→Capacity graph→Find bottleneck→Method engineering→Line balancing

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