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How to Increase Sewing Operator’s Efficiency? - IE And Textiles

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How to Increase Sewing Operator’s Efficiency?

 How to Increase Sewing Operator’s Efficiency?


How to Increase Sewing Operator’s Efficiency?

Ans: A sewing operator plays an important role. Sewing operator efficiency has a great impact in achieving higher garments production, ultimately which helps to respect the shipping date. As its importance, today I will present here some important key points which help to increase the sewing operator efficiency.

The following are the most important key points for increasing sewing operator efficiency.
1. Training sewing operator:
Training sewing operator:

The operator is the main in garments manufacturing factory. It’s seen that less expert sewing operator takes more time but provides lower outputs in garments manufacturing. So, to increase sewing operator efficiency, training for sewing operators is a must.

2. Motivation:

Operator motivation plays an important role in increasing operator efficiency. So, to increase operator efficiency, factory authority should motivate the operator by arranging different cultural programs, a bonus for achieving targeted effort.

3. Selection of expert operator for the critical process:

It’s an important key point to increase operator efficiency. If the expert operator is selected for the most critical processes then the rest of the process of that style will be easy and ultimately operator efficiency will be increased.

4. Development of working methods:

The working method should be developed by using work-study and motion study for increased operator efficiency. Sometimes it’s seen that, for a garment’s style, several unnecessary motions have been kept in line which ultimately decreases the operator efficiency. So, in that case, unnecessary motions should be removed for increased operator efficiency.

5. Set-up perfect machine layout:

A perfect machine layout for a particular style of clothing helps to complete 50% of total work for that style. So, a perfect machine layout is a must to increase operator efficiency. Perfect machine layout helps to minimize the material handling time as much as possible.

6. Continuous feeding to the operators:

It’s a very important one to increase operator efficiency. When a sewing operator has assigned with less work content then he has so much idle times. In this situation, you have to pass more works to him for increasing operator efficiency.

7. Remove unnecessary interruption during working:

It’s one of the important issues for decreasing operator efficiency. Sometimes it’s seen that the sewing operator is interrupted by supervisors and quality controllers, also submitted defective pieces to rectify, which consumes time and decreases operator efficiency. So, unnecessary interruption should be removed during working for increasing operator efficiency.

8. Set-up target for the operator:

Target set-up for the sewing operator is one of the useful factors for increasing sewing operator efficiency. In this case, first have to set an achievable target according to the sewing operator’s skill level, so that they can touch the given target. This system is very helpful for increased operator efficiency.

9. Avoid excessive overtime to the operator:
How to Increase Sewing Operator’s Efficiency?

Excessive overtime to the operator can easily decrease operator efficiency. So, if you want to achieve better output from the sewing operator, then you must avoid excessive overtime to the sewing operator and confirm one day off weekly.

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